• It works the upper and lower body at the same time, strengthening the back, legs and arms
• It reduces neck and shoulder tension
• It is very social and suitable for all levels of fitness. Once you have learned the basics you can do it alone or join a class
• Studies show it works the heart, lungs and body harder yet it feels easier and less tiring than regular walking
• It burns 20 per cent more calories than regular walking at the same speed as you are using your legs, arms, shoulders, chest and back muscles
• It works your heart yet you feel more relaxed so it’s a more intense workout for less perceived effort. Studies of high intensity Nordic Walking showed heart levels reaching 75% of its maximum rate while participants were walking. If you want to increase the workout you can also try running with the poles
If you already walk, power walk, hike, run, or cycle, Nordic Walking will enhance your fitness level. In addition, walking with poles is a lot more interesting and engrossing than plain walking. So next time you go out for walking just remember this:
Why settle for plain walking, if you could be exercising your whole body with Nordic Walking?
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