Many people fear the holidays for various reasons, but overeating, drinking too much and gaining weight are right at the top of the list for lots of people. We quickly ignore the rules of healthy eating and tell ourselves we’ll lose added weight after the holidays. But we can actually begin to lose unwanted body fat and look great for those upcoming parties if we adopt some of the tried and tested principles. Rather than giving ourselves permission to overindulge during the holiday season, based on the promise of being better after New Year's Day, we can get a jumpstart on our healthy resolutions and avoid the trappings of empty promises, disappointment and guilt.
Watch what you eat:
The holidays and food are synonymous. Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie. Unfortunately, an entire day of feasting can result in more than just a full stomach or a case of heartburn. The best tip to avoid heartburn is to not overeat. Big, fatty meals are likely to aggravate the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion. Other foods that can be a problem during the holidays are chocolate, peppermint and spearmint. On a daily basis, eat smaller meals, avoid excess alcohol (no more than two drinks for men and one drink for women), and stay away from acidic foods like citric juices (orange, grapefruit) and tomatoes. Those with nighttime symptoms should elevate their head 4-6 inches from the bed and avoid eating and drinking within two hours of bedtime.
Just a Nibble:
To start, watch portion sizes. Do not skip your favorite foods; instead, limit your portions and stay within your allowable servings. Identifying holiday foods that contain carbohydrates can help you better manage blood sugars. Some holiday foods that can affect blood sugar levels are dressing (stuffing), rolls, sweet potatoes, corn, tamales and seasonal desserts. One way to keep the pounds down is just to enjoy a few bites of that delicious cheesecake or chocolate fudge brownie. No one says that you have to completely deprive yourself of holiday treats—just limit how much you eat!
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