So winters or any change of weather for that matter brings with it problems realted to health. The most common one being the cough and cold.
Here is a simple home remedy used in India and my family to weather the storm.
Tulsi Leaves: 1/4 teaspoon
Fresh Ginger: 1/2 Teaspoon
Black Pepper: 7- 8
Water: 8 ounces
Milk: 4ounces (warmed in microwave or stove)
Sugar: To taste
- Add tulsi leaves, ginger & black pepper in boiling water and brew for about 2 minutes
- Remove the pan from stove top and let it sit for some time
- After two minutes drain the contents of the pan into a mug and add warm milk and sugar
- Drink the contents while the mixture is still warm (but not too hot, bearable to drink comfortably)
- Cover yourself with a warm blanket or a comforter and lie down for 5-10 minutes
This is a very effective home remedy for headaches, nose & chest congestion,body ache and common fever related to cold.
But do remember to consult your doctor for full diagnosis and treatment.
"Tulsi leaves (available in most grocery stores these days in the health section) have been found effective in dissolving and removing the phelgm commonly associated with cough and cold and are used in India and China for many centuries.To learn more about the wonderful benefits of Tulsi please follow the link".
Ref: Dr. Ajit Mehta, " Swadeshi Chikitsa Sar", Kalyan Chikitsa Prakashan, 2007
Honey has long been used as a traditional remedy to treat any kind of cough. When you are having a coughing fit, combine one teaspoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of honey and consume it.
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