Holistic & Dr. Sears Certified Health Coach educates families on simple, effective ways they can use to live healthier, happier lives. A blog where moms learn about nourishing foods so that they are confident and at peace with the nutrition choices they make for themselves, their babies, their families and in effect for our future generations.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Harmful Effects of Sugar

Do you ever feel intense sugar cravings in the middle of the afternoon or in the evening after dinner? Have you ever felt an uncontrollable urge to grab a chocolate bar or a piece of barfi ? If your answer is YES, then you are not alone. Not long back when I was in school sugar loaded coffee and a doughnut were my favorites to overcome the afternoon slump. I was under the impression that diabetes commonly associated with sugar consumption is not an issue as long as I am young and active. Well I didn't know any better. It was only after I started my quest for healthy lifestyle that I realized the bad I was doing to myself.
After researching I found that sugar not only causes a spike in the blood sugar levels but also hinders the body's immune system and predisposes people to allergies and infections. The number, shape and activity of white blood cells are adversely affected by excessive sugar consumption. Listed below are just some of the health conditions associated with over consumption of sugar.
  • Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body
  • Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children
  • Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides
  • Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection (infectious diseases)
  • Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins (or HDL)
  • Sugar leads to cancer of the ovaries
  • Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose
  • Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium
  • Sugar can weaken eyesight
  • Sugar can cause gallstones.
  • Sugar can cause heart disease.
  • Sugar can cause appendicitis.
  • Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis.
  • Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.
  • Sugar can cause varicose veins.
  • Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer's disease
The above list is just a snap shot there are over 146 medical conditions attributed with sugar consumption. Today, the average American consumes 150 pounds of sugar a year. According to U.S. Department of Agriculture that is about 52 teaspoonfuls of added sugar per person per day. Can you imagine gobbling down 52 teaspoons of sugar every single day? Believe it or not most people are doing exactly that. Many people struggling with serious health conditions and weight loss make an attempt to reduce sugar in their diets. They think by not adding sugar to their coffee they are doing all the right things but they may be consuming sugar unknowingly. This is why it is essential to become aware of the hidden sources of sugar in our foods. Sugar comes in many different forms like barley malt, brown sugar, cane juice crystals, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, turbinado sugar, xylitol, etc. to name a few. It is therefore important to read the ingredient list before you buy any pre processed food for hidden sources of sugar. Apart from being careful about hidden sources here are few ways that might help you avoid sugar cravings.
Get rid of anything sugary in your house: For most of us this is the best way – eliminate all the sugary foods around.  That way you won't be able to eat what isn't available when the cravings occur.
Drink More Water: If you are a sugar addict, it's possible you do not drink enough water. Drink at least 3 glasses of water each day with no sweeteners. Just plain delicious water!
Eat More Vegetables: The more veggies you eat, the less likely you will be tempted to go to sugary foods. It will also occupy you long enough to hopefully get through the sugar craving.
Get enough rest: Sugar affects your blood sugar levels, which affect your energy levels. If you aren't sleeping enough then you might be tired and craving sugar that will give you a quick energy boost.  Get enough sleep in order to stop cravings caused by lack of sleep.
Identify and avoid triggers: Figuring out what triggers sugar cravings can help you avoid them.  When you find out whether lack of sleep, boredom, depression, habit, stress, etc. is causing your cravings you can then fix the triggers so that you can stop the cravings.
This is not going to be easy, especially if you are like me and have a sweet tooth. Start slow and be determined to avoid all sugar for at least a week, and then give yourself a free day. I am sure this way you will stick longer on your plan. Operation SugarLess could be a challenge. But I am sure you can do this. If you
have any tips on giving up the extra sugar or want to do it with me please give me a shout at parul@whole-body-fitness.com .
Originally Published in Valley India Times, August 2011
Nancy Appleton, "146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health", Rheumatic Org
Mary, "Saying Goodbye: How to Stop Eating Sugar", Living Happy and Healthy, 2010

Parul Agrawal is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist based out of Chandler. She is the co-owner of WHOLE BODY FITNESS, LLC. (www.whole-body-fitness.com). She also has B.S. and M.S degree in engineering. Parul believes that human body is the most complex engineering machinery and her passion is to combine her engineering knowledge with personal training and nutrition to create well balanced fitness plans for whole body fitness. You can mail her at parul@whole-body-fitness.com or call at 480-516-2962.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are provided for information only. All care has been taken for the accuracy of the information provided, but the author does not make any warranty of any kind. In no event shall the author be liable to any individual for any decision made or taken in reliance on such information. If therapy or medical advice is required, appropriate practitioner should be consulted.



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