Holistic & Dr. Sears Certified Health Coach educates families on simple, effective ways they can use to live healthier, happier lives. A blog where moms learn about nourishing foods so that they are confident and at peace with the nutrition choices they make for themselves, their babies, their families and in effect for our future generations.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Trying to be more natural!

Off late my hair have become my biggest enemy. No matter what i do they look dead. I must shampoo every day else the hair look like strands of rope dry and unmanageable.

I believe there are two reasons for this:

1) Change in hormonal levels pre and post pregnancy. Yes, pregnancy does change a lot and its not just your waist line

2) Hard water in Phoenix, I should get a water softener but not ready for that investment yet.

But I am sure there is a soultion to my problem. I am not a product person, would rather try the natural way before buying costly products. So after researching a lot I decided to go "no-poo" or no shampooing my hair.  Let's stay with the more decent term rather than using the slang.


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