Holistic & Dr. Sears Certified Health Coach educates families on simple, effective ways they can use to live healthier, happier lives. A blog where moms learn about nourishing foods so that they are confident and at peace with the nutrition choices they make for themselves, their babies, their families and in effect for our future generations.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Body Fat & BMI

If you go to a gym and see a personal trainer the first numbers they will use to access you general fitness are Body Fat Percentage (or BF%) and Body Mass Index (or BMI). So what are these numbers and why are they so important??

Body Fat Percentage:
It’s simply the percentage of fat your body contains. If you are 150lbs and your body fat percentage is 20% then you have 30 lbs of fat. The remaining 120lbs is called your lean mass and is composed of water, muscle, tissue, bones and minerals.

Body Fat Percentage is considered a better gauge of weight loss progress compared to the weight in pounds (or kgs). The reason: we need to lose the stored fat and not stored water which is an important nutrient for life.

So does that mean we should all aim for a 0% Body Fat. The answer to this question is a big NO. Certain amount of body fat is important for us as fat protects the vital organs of the body, acts as a thermo regulator and is the main storage for energy in our body. The table below as given by American Council of Sports lists the range of body fat essential for men and women.

Ref:American Council of Sports
Women (% fat)
Men (% fat)
Essential Fat
32% plus
25% plus

Knowing your body fat can help you determine your realistic weight loss goals. There are many ways by which a person can measure his or her body fat. Body fat calipers, hydrostatic weighing and bioelectric impedance are few of the techniques available in the market.

I, however recently came across this website wherein you can easily measure your body fat without the use of any fancy equipment. Try the link and see if it works for you http://www.healthcentral.com/cholesterol/home-body-fat-test-2774-143.html

Body Mass Index (BMI):
BMI is the measure of body fat based on the ratio of your height and weight. If you enter the term BMI on any search engine you will find hundreds of sites that give you a BMI calculator. The quick and easy way is to calculate it yourself. You just need to know your weight in pounds and height in inches and basic arithmetic and use the simple equation.
BMI= (weight (lbs) ×703) / (height in inches )^2
EASY, Right!!!!

BMI Categories:
• Underweight = <18.5
• Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
• Overweight = 25-29.9
• Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
(Ref: http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/)

So now that you know the basics you are ready to start your weight loss journey.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Home Remedy for Common Cough and Cold

So winters or any change of weather for that matter brings with it problems realted to health. The most common one being the cough and cold.

Here is a simple home remedy used in India and my family to weather the storm.


Tulsi Leaves: 1/4 teaspoon
Fresh Ginger: 1/2 Teaspoon
Black Pepper: 7- 8
Water: 8 ounces
Milk: 4ounces (warmed in microwave or stove)
Sugar: To taste

  • Add tulsi leaves, ginger & black pepper in boiling water and brew for about 2 minutes
  • Remove the pan from stove top and let it sit for some time
  • After two minutes drain the contents of the pan into a mug and add warm milk and sugar
  • Drink the contents while the mixture is still warm (but not too hot, bearable to drink comfortably)
  • Cover yourself with a warm blanket or a comforter and lie down for 5-10 minutes
Take this tea 2-3 times a day as needed. For kids reduce the quantity to half.

This is a very effective home remedy for headaches, nose & chest congestion,body ache and common fever related to cold.

But do remember to consult your doctor for full diagnosis and treatment.

"Tulsi leaves (available in most grocery stores these days in the health section) have been found effective in dissolving and removing the phelgm commonly associated with cough and cold and are used in India and China for many centuries.To learn more about the wonderful benefits of Tulsi please follow the link http://www.organicindia.com/tulsi-facts.php".

Ref: Dr. Ajit Mehta, " Swadeshi Chikitsa Sar", Kalyan Chikitsa Prakashan, 2007

The Best Weight Loss Strategy!!! Part 2

A safe weight loss is anywhere between 1-2lbs per week. In terms of calories this relates to a deficit of 3500 calories per week or 500 calories/day.

In other words in order to loose a pound per week a person has to do one of the following.

1. Eat 500 calories less per day
2. Exercise to burn atleast 500 calories per day
3. Combine both (best strategy) i.e. eat atleast 250 calories less per day and excercise at low to moderate intensity to burn 250 calories.

The key to any plan is however consistency.

Keep doing whatever you are doing for an extended period of time and don't be disappointed if you don't see the results right away.

Remember the old adage "SLOW and STEADY WINS THE RACE".

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Best Weight Loss Strategy!!Part 1

So people including me often wonder that they seem to do everything right, they make (or they think that they do) the right food choices, are pretty much on their toes from the time they wake up to the time they go back to bed, don't have a minute to rest but they still don't seem to loose weight.

Well its no rocket science. The best weight loss strategy is what we learned in our basic science class:


In other words if you consume 2000 calories per day and you also expand 2000 calories per day than you are likely to stay at the same weight.

So if you plan to loose weight you have to use more calories than you consume.
How to stick to that plan, wait for my next post !!!!

Till then have a happy and healthy day.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Weight Loss!!

So all of us at some point of our lives worry and get stressed out with issues related to our weight. It feels like we are falling into a black hole and can't really do anything about it. But guess what we can!!! By making small changes in our lifestyle we can definitely achieve our dream weight. For starters try this:

Start out slow and steady. Don't expect to hit the gym for 3 hours right from week 1.

1. Get atleast 30 minutes of physical activity daily
             Think you can't spare 30 minutes, try dividing the workout time in 3 sessions of 10 minutes each

2. Do what you enjoy the most
             Could be anything walking, jogging, strength training, yoga, Krav Maga, swimming

3. Once you are in the zone increase the intensity and duration of your workout

4. Choose your food wisely
              Avoid excess sugar, fat and simple carbs


It's not as difficult as you think it is. More on this later.

Till then have a happy and healthy day!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Risk Factors

Hello Folks,

Ever wondered what are the risk factors associated with your lifestyle. Here is a snapshot.

1. Family History
2. High Blood Pressure
3. High Cholestrol
4. High Blood Glucose
5. Obesity
6. Sedentary Lifestyle
7. Smoking

More about each of these in my next post but untill then do some brain storming and go figure what I mean.

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